Learn Arabic

Regular Modern Standard Arabic Classes

Arabic language courses in regular evening classes are conducted in four 10-week terms per year. We have classes from beginner to advanced level. Each class has one 90 minute session per week unless indicated otherwise. The fee for our online Arabic evening classes is $359 per term. The minimum number for our regular evening classes is five students, with a maximum of 10 – 12 students.

All of our teachers teach modern standard Arabic.

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Smaller Arabic Classes

Occasionally we have only 3 or 4 students for a particular Arabic class. As a cancellation of classes might cause disappointment to our students, we offer these smaller classes at different rates and conditions.

Online classes with 4 students are $359 for a 9-week term. Online classes with 3 students are $359 for a 9-week term with 1.25 hours per week.

Beginners to Advanced

Beginners start as Elementary 1 (A.1.1) and go up to Elementary 4 (A1.4). Each of the elementary levels will take approximately one term to complete. Intermediate and Advanced levels vary.

Internationally recognized examinations can be taken from advanced levels. Please talk to us for a free informal assessment of your level.

Arabic Online Lessons

We offer online classes at $95 per 60 minutes especially for people who want to practice their conversation skills, but they can be for regular class work, too. Ask us for details.






Beginner Conversation Courses

This Beginner Conversation course is perfect for people who mostly need to understand and speak. 

Arabic. Focussing less on reading and writing, this class is a good chance to learn how to have a conversation in Arabic. Especially for people who are working 

with refugees, Arabic speaking clients or have partners in the Arabic speaking world, this course is a perfect opportunity to improve the skills you need.


Outline for A1 Elementary Arabic

The general guideline for A1 is the following:

A1.1 = Elementary 1: Unit 1-6

A1.2 = Elementary 2: Unit 7-11

A1.3 = Elementary 3: Unit 12-16

A1.4 = Elementary 4: Unit 17-20

A1.1 Elementary 1 

15-hour course for beginners.

This course will take the students through general topics such as:

Language Unit 1: Getting started

  • Letters of the alphabet: group 1
  • Vowels
  • Joining letters: group 1
  • Adding vowels to words
  • Conversation sections
  • Conversation: Greetings and leave-taking
  • Vocabulary learning

Language Unit 2: Putting words together

  • Letters of the alphabet: group 2
  • Joining letters: group 2
  • Long vowels
  • Putting words together
  • Simple sentences
  • Conversation: Introducing yourself
  • Male and female
  • Conversation: Meeting someone for the first time

Language Unit 3: The family

  • Letters of the alphabet: group 3
  • Handwriting letters: group 3
  • Feminine words
  • What’s this?
  • The family
  • Conversation: talking about where you live and who you live with
  • Conversation: Introducing your family
  • Vocabulary in Unit 3

Language Unit 4: Jobs

  • Letters of the alphabet: group 4
  • Handwriting letters: group 4
  • Joining letters: group 4
  • Jobs
  • Family occupations
  • Conversation: talking about what you do
  • Making words plural
  • Conversation: talking about where you work or study
  • Video: Amani talks about her family
  • Structure notes: Case endings; the nominative case

Language Unit 5: Describing things

  • Letters of the alphabet: group 5
  • Handwriting letters: group 5
  • Joining letters: group 5
  • Everyday objects
  • Sign and crosswords
  • Describing things
  • Possessive endings (attached pronouns)
  • Conversation: polite request
  • Structure notes: Definite and indefinite

Language Unit 6: Where is it?

  • Letters of the alphabet: group 6
  • Emphatic letters
  • Joining letters: group 6
  • Sun letters
  • Asking questions
  • Hamza
  • Where?
  • Arabic and computers
  • Anwar’s bog
  • Conversation: Dialects
  • Structure notes: The genitive case

A1.2 Elementary 2 

15-hour course for beginners.

This course will take the students through general topics such as:

Language Unit 7: Describing places

  • Describing your city or town
  • What’s the town like?
  • Conversation: asking for directions
  • More about plurals
  • More about adjectives
  • Conversation:
  • Describing your town or your room
  • Video: Mahmoud describes his apartment
  • Structure notes: Genitive with idafa

Language Unit 8: Review

  • Conversation Review

Language Unit 9: Countries and people

  • The Middle East
  • Capital City
  • Geographical position
  • Other countries of the world
  • Nationalities
  • Nisba adjectives
  • Conversation: Talking about where you come from
  • Plural nationalities
  • Personal pronouns
  • Video: Cyrine talks about herself

 Language Unit 10: Counting things

  • Arabic numbers 1-10
  • Direction of Arabic numbers
  • Counting things
  • The dual
  • Plurals with numbers
  • How many?
  • How much?
  • In the market
  • Describing what you have
  • Conversation: Buying a ring in the market
  • Structure notes: sound masculine plural case endings

Language Unit 11: Plurals and colours

  • Word roots
  • External and internal plurals
  • Plural patterns 1 and 2
  • Vocabulary learning
  • What are these?
  • The party
  • Conversation: Going shopping
  • Colours
  • Back to school
  • Structure notes: The accusative case

A1.3 Elementary 3 

15-hour course for beginners.

This course will take the students through general topics such as:

Language Unit 12: Eating and drinking

  • At the grocer’s
  • Describing packaging
  • My favorite dish
  • Group words
  • Waiter!
  • Conversation: At the restaurant
  • Using a dictionary
  • Words for places
  • Video: Mahmoud talks about his favourite food

Language Unit 13: What happened yesterday

  • What happenend yesterday?
  • Asking questions about the past
  • Questions with “what?”
  • Past verbs
  • Joining sentences together
  • Structure notes: Plural and dual case endings

Language Unit 14: Wish you were here

  • Plural patterns 3 and 4
  • Numbers 11-100
  • Numbers 11 upwards with a singular noun
  • What’s the weather like?
  • Describing the weather
  • It was an enjoyable trip
  • Writing notes and postcards
  • Past verbs in the plural
  • Conversation: Talking about a vacation
  • Video: Amani talks about her trip
  • Structure notes: Higher numbers

Language Unit 15: Review

  • Conversation: Review

Language Unit 16: Every day

  • What’s the time?
  • More about time
  • ‘At’ plus time
  • Every day
  • He and she
  • Negative statements
  • Asking questions about every day
  • Present tense
  • What do you do everyday?
  • Video: Abdou describes his daily routine
  • Structure notes: The present tense

A1.4 Elementary 4 

15-hour course for beginners.

This course will take the students through general topics such as:

Language Unit 17: Camparing things

  • The biggest in the worls
  • Comparatives and superlatives
  • Days of the week
  • At the car rental office
  • Comparing past and present
  • Was/were
  • Weak verbs
  • Video: Mahmoud talks about the Egypt of his youth

Language Unit 18: Education and business

  • Education: at school
  • Education: at university
  • Video: Cyrine talks about her studies
  • Arabic words in English
  • Plural pattern 5
  • Talking about business and politics
  • A new life
  • Word order and verbs
  • Last Thursday
  • Past negative
  • Structure notes: More about idafa

Language Unit 19: Future plans

  • Months oft he year
  • In the future
  • Talking about your plan
  • Forms of the verb: an introduction
  • Zeinah’s plans
  • Video: Abdou talks about his future plans

Language Unit 20: Review and further study

  • Conversation: Review
  • Further study


Book: Mastering Arabic 1


Outline for A2 Intermediate Arabic

The general guideline for A2 is the following:

A2.1 = Intermediate 1: Unit 1-3

A2.2 = Intermediate 2: Unit 4-7

A2.3 = Intermediate 3: Unit 8-10

A2.4 = Intermediate 4: Unit 11-14

A2.1 Intermediate 1 

15-hour course for beginners.

This course will take the students through general topics such as:

Language Unit 1: Myself and others

  • Talking about yourself + Asking others
  • Talking about nationality
  • Greetings
  • My family
  • Conversation
  • Review: Pronouns
  • Describing character + talking about childhood
  • The Arab World … A look at Egypt

Language Unit 2: House and Home

  • Talking about rooms + Describing your home
  • Conversation
  • Review: The plural
  • Adjectives and plurals
  • For rent
  • The Arab World … A look at Saudi

Language Unit 3: Work and routine

  • Talking about work
  • A day in the life of …
  • Talking about housework
  • Talking about your CV
  • Conversation
  • Review: Present verbs
  • Situations vacant
  • The Arab World … A look at Syria

A2.2 Intermediate 2 

15-hour course for beginners.

This course will take the students through general topics such as:

Language Unit 4: Sport and leisure

  • Talking about sport
  • Talking about preferences
  • Review: Verbal nouns and participles
  • Talking about free time
  • Talking about going out
  • Conversation
  • The Arab World … A look at Morocco

Language Unit 5: Travel and tourism

  • Around town
  • Conversation
  • Means of transportation
  • Travel in the Arab World
  • Review: Past verbs
  • Sohair’s blog
  • Describing the past
  • Letter of complaint
  • The Arab World … A look at Tunisia

Language Unit 6: Food and cooking

  • Talking about food
  • Talking about measure
  • At the greengrocer
  • Conversation
  • Reserving the table
  • Conversation
  • In the restaurant
  • Review: Forms of the verb
  • The month of Ramadan
  • The Arab World … A look at Lebanon

Language Unit 7: Review

  • Conversation
  • Vocabulary

A2.3 Intermediate 3

15-hour course for beginners.

This course will take the students through general topics such as:

Language Unit 8: Clothes and colours

  • Talking about clothes
  • Describing the outfit
  • Describing the colour
  • At the clothes shop
  • Conversation
  • At the wedding party
  • Review: Doubled verbs
  • The clothes show
  • The Arab World … A look at Iraq

Language Unit 9: Education and training

  • School and University
  • Talking about subjects
  • Conversation
  • Muira asks for advice
  • Review: Weak verbs
  • In the examination hall
  • Giving instructions
  • The Arab World … A look at Algeria

Language Unit 10: News and media

  • Talking about the news
  • Broadcasting
  • Review: Formal Arabic
  • Arabic on the Worldwide web
  • Comparing media
  • The King’s speech
  • The Arab World … A look at the Gulf and Yemen

A2.4 Intermediate 4 

15-hour course for beginners.

This course will take the students through general topics such as:

Language Unit 11: Climate and the environment

  • Talking about the weather and climate
  • Holiday plans
  • Review: The future
  • Talking about possibilities
  • Al-Mustaqbal Beverages Company
  • Talking about processes
  • Conversation
  • The Arab World … A look at Libya

 Language Unit 12: Health and happiness

  • Talking about the body
  • Talking about illness
  • At the pharmacy
  • Conversation
  • Talking about health
  • Abdul Aziz asks for advice
  • The Arab World … A look at Sudan

Language Unit 13: Arts and cinema

  • Talking about culture
  • Conversation
  • Film genres
  • Talking about past habits
  • Reviewing
  • The Arab World … A look at Jordan and Palestine

Language Unit 14: Review

  • Conversation
  • Vocabulary
  • Suggestions for further study

Reference material

  • Answers to exercises
  • English-Arabic glossary
  • Grammar index


Book: Mastering Arabic 2